Friday 28 December 2012

Office Renovation - Introduction

For your information, the photos displayed here are our finished product at our clients' 2 new offices.
Reception. The first step to any office is the reception area. A well designed and attractive reception will easily capture visitors' attention. Nonetheless it also improve the company image, for instance what will a person think, if your reception area is dull, messy and bored.
Directive points to good reception area have always been the reception table, comfy and trendy furniture at the waiting area, wall and ceiling design, lighting to display company logo or to give friendly atmosphere to your visitors. Actually with well plan execution, any items can contribute to enhance the elegance of your reception area.
Work Station. This is the place where money productivity comes in depending on staffs performance. Key point here is staff like any ordinary person, their genuine needs are comfort, interaction, harmony and private space.
Do you agree an exciting place will produce extraordinary positive results. A combination of lighting could excite the place professionally, favourably install at the surrounding. Ideal lighting is much preferred at workstation, as we wouldn't want to cause eye damage or glares.
Adequate petition height is also perfect to encourage people to communicate or team work could easily execute. Comfort chairs and enough private spacing will motivate staffs to perform their best, as they can retreat after hard work and revive to perform at their peak.
Bear in mind, staffs second home have always been in the office. To excel is always to attend staffs needs before focusing onto your customers. Such undertaking will tremendously improve your overall operation performance and no doubt loyalty are maintained.
Do not hesitate to contact us, all these are at bargain pricing with quality product and services.


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