Sunday 27 January 2013

Touchy, Greenery, Lovely Home

Having a green movement in the house contributes a healthy and comfortable lifestyle. However if the place is designed heavily in green, might make a person feel sick, hence combining green with either white or light yellow colour is an ideal choice for our customer's medium apartment.

Majority of the place is painted with white whereas green is painted at certain important areas for healthy reasons. Those areas are the Television (TV) section and the window. TV behind a cool green (not advisable for bright green) colour wall is perfect to relieve our eyes while concentrating on the TV screen. Setting up a green curtain is especially refreshing when the sun light touched the curtain before entering the apartment.   

Coffer ceiling with nice lighting will excite the place and also to further improvise the room impression. Since the room isn't spacious, we opted for custom made loose furniture to match the room perfectly, so we could bring in the piano.

The piano was placed behind the light yellow wall, simply to increase a person awareness and consciousness while playing good music. In the kitchen, we used bright green colour to highlight storage area while other basic kitchen appliances are being installed creatively.

The best colour of a master bedroom for married couple is mauve. We would want the room to feel relax, romance and energise. Adjustable lighting will spice the room with love or as functional lighting. While constructed wall and ceiling patterns will further harmonise the room with elegance. We have even introduce some of pillows brand, proven to rejuvenate.
Then the bath room in the master bedroom was originally ordinary. We had given lots of attention to transform it into a  classy ones at a very reasonable pricing. A glass wall for bathing actually improves the bathing room image so much.


For the remaining bedrooms, we refurnished it with beautiful wall paper, designer ceiling lights, classy bed, nice loose furniture which all of these do enhance the room looks. Without mentioning, even the general bathroom was redecorated nicely.

The renovation took 2 months to complete with proper quality checking, all at a bargain pricing. With our love and dedication to our job, quality and satisfaction is ascertain. Grab your phone and call us now.

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