Sunday 3 March 2013

Human Resource Management And Recruitment

Human resource management (HRM) is an important aspect in every organisation. HRM is a strategic management of the employees, positioning them to contribute benefits to the organisation with proper compliance to the organisation procedures. Without HRM, employees will have no direction, doing their job description their own way, neglecting the organisation's core objectives, and failing to see the whole picture.

Also a key role to build a strong team through recruiting talented people, retaining and developing them, whereby HRM could actually recognise as a bridge link between the organisation and the employees. To understand the employees need is to  consult them, not to ignore them. Solving their problem will improves their loyalty and being a good soldier in the team. All these require good human relation skill and problem solving. There is a wise saying, "Develop your internal customers first before exploring for external customers".
HRM is set to assist decision maker to evaluate human relation situation at all time before a firm action is taken. And also to function to motivate employees to gain better productivity and a good team work.

In relation to the above subject which is complex, we offered you our professional services also covering payroll at a reasonable pricing ranging  from MYR 550 above depending on the volume and complexity of the business. And appointing us as headhunter, the referral fee is billed at 80% of the monthly salary inclusive of any allowance. This is a best deal we offered comparing to our competitors locally.  
Contact us now at

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